Contact Us

Do you have any questions or recommendations you would like to share or let us know? If that’s the case, then feel free to contact us through the email addresses indicated below.

Contact Us, the ECOCNN

Email: or

For jobs:

Send us an email explaining what you can do for us that you think other candidates can’t. Remember to attach your CV & send it to or WhatsApp at +254713271009.

Other Useful Information

  1. Advertise with us – To learn more about how you can advertise on our website, kindly read about our terms of use and requirement to uphold the best community standards and requirements by our facilitators and managerial company.
  2. Privacy Policy – In this section, we cover the privacy policy and the best practices for the ECOCNN website.
  3. About Us – Read about our role and work, how we work today, and our history since the inception or onset of the ECOCNN informational website.